Sunday, April 22, 2007

Life is fine! Today I got new books, rented a bunch of movies I have really been wanting to watch, bought new sunglassess and a new purse ON SALE, have triple chocolate ice cream, and apple pie. Also, I am officially Stage Manager for this years production of SW again. I am so happy, life is great! And best of all, no lessons to plan and stress about. I know I'm going to be stressed out in the fall when I have to finish up my teaching time, but for now I am DONE, with time to actually relax and enjoy myself for a change. Which is something I haven't really done for about 8 months. This really has been the year from hell, right now I am just glad to be able to take some time to recouperate and have some fun. All these things have made me so happy...they're not huge complex things, simple really, having a new book to read ect...but doesn't that tell you something about how stressed and time crunched my life has been that these simple pleasures give me such an immense joy and satisfaction? Me is very happy and content right now :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

I am very sad. I should be teaching my kids drama and language this afternoon, instead I am not teaching them at all. I miss them. This is the hardest part of leaving my school, leaving the kids I have bonded with...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

So it's been awhile since I posted last. School has been INSANE. I love working with the kids, it's dealing with the other ridiculous crap I'm sick of. Long story short, I've been treatly very unfairly and I've had to deal with a lot of meanness and bitchiness. I'm done at the school I was at, and I've got to do a bunch of paperwork and junk to be able to defer it. I can't wait til this is over...I'm counting down the monthes until my braces can come off, and I can go out and get my new headshots done and find an agent so I can take my shot at the acting world.