Monday, January 30, 2006

Brunette brunette brunette brunette. Do you know I don't miss being a blonde? Only problem is that my headshots are blonde and now don't match my current state of head-colourness...hmmm...well, I hope people aren't too surprised if I send out blonde pics and then show up at the audition brunette! Not much I can do about I will laugh about it instead. :P

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A question I have been asking myself -
is it bad that I hope he gets hurt like he hurt me?

I think that's a horrible thing to wish on anyone. On the surface I tell myself I don't want that, but deep down I think I actually do. Then I think about it and how terrible being hurt like that is, and I don't want to wish that on anyone.

I really don't know sometimes, and head and heart tell me two different things. Life is so confusing.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Canadian Flag is Red.
The Liberals are Red.
It's a Sad, Sad day when our flag turns blue.

I watched the election coverage all night, yelling at my TV, hoping.
But the Conservatives won. I am very sad. :(

Monday, January 23, 2006

I VOTED! I was so excited all day today that I was going to vote, anytime anyone mentioned the election I was like YAY I get to vote! So ok, I'm a nerd...whatcha gonna do about it? :P Now to watch the polls roll in tonight...*fingers crossed*

Monday, January 16, 2006

An example of how I have changed since I started university.

In first year when I was looking over the English courses I read the course description for Bible and Literature. I laughed my ass off, mocked it considerably, wondered why anyone would take it who was not religious, and said, yeah That's a course I'll never be taking...

This semester I am taking Bible and Literature II.

Never thought I'd see the day. But I needed a course, and the more I learned at University, particularily about the huge amount of biblical allusions, and the connections between a religious based society and literature, the more sense this course made to me.

From 1st year to 4th year...grown up a little more now...and not mocking the course.

I will however still mock the fact that I have to BUY a bible for school...there is only so much a person can change after all:P

Monday, January 09, 2006

After approximately a year and a half of being blonde, it feels good to be a brunette again.