Thursday, January 26, 2006

A question I have been asking myself -
is it bad that I hope he gets hurt like he hurt me?

I think that's a horrible thing to wish on anyone. On the surface I tell myself I don't want that, but deep down I think I actually do. Then I think about it and how terrible being hurt like that is, and I don't want to wish that on anyone.

I really don't know sometimes, and head and heart tell me two different things. Life is so confusing.


Anonymous said...

hey answer your question, no its not bad at all!!!!! its karma...what goes around comes around! listen to your heart its more accurate.

Scarlett said...

My heart may be more accurate, but it is far from practical. And unfortunately just because my heart wants something doesn't mean that it will happen. However, I do believe in the idea of what goes around comes around, so I keep hoping, thanks for your comment :)