Saturday, January 27, 2007

I really, really HATE being sick. Not only did I have to miss school, and teaching my lessons, this week, but this is the second weekend of going out fun that I have missed. I was sooooo sick last weekend, I got an uber bad case of the flu. I got sick a week ago friday, and was out for the whole weekend...I had a fever til monday! And even once the fever broke I could barely walk, I was all dizzy and weak. And the sysmptoms just like, morphed into something else once the fever was gone. My throats been killing me, my nose was running like a tap, and now is completely stuffed up. It seems like all I've been doing the past couple days is blow my nose, and clear my throat, and cough. And I still feel like crap. This really sucks. And I've still had stuff that was due and I had to hand in at my clsses this's real fun trying to do work when you're sick. I haven't been this sick, Really sick, in awhile. I hope I get better soon, cause I'm still so wiped and sick and feeling like crap. :(

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