I wrote this in an email to my friend, and while I've been very honest about how I've felt and been dealing with teachers college, I think I captured the emotions and meaning pretty well in this email so I thought I'd share it...
Growing up certainly is wild, it's more than wild, it's emotional, exciting, scary, and just as full of highs and lows as being a teenager ever was! lol Teachers College...well, it's going. It has become an all consuming, crazy stressful experience. It's probably the most stressful thing I've ever done. I love working with the kids, but there's a whole lot of other stressful crap and people to deal with that really have nothing to do with teaching. Like almost every single person in my program, I've come to the conclusion that teachers college really is nothing like the teaching world, it's a very strange, very stressful artificial situation. Mind you, apparently a lot of the stress is just York...I keep hearing stories of all these people at other universities who are board and saying their school is a bird course....I'm wishing for a little of that about now! :P But anyways I'm surviving...barely lol, But as for the not going crazy, I can't vouch for that...
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