Saturday, June 07, 2003

Well, what to write about today. I think I'll start with one of my pet peeves that I was thinking about today. As all of my friends know, not only am I a Drama Queen but the Allergy Queen and the Queen of Kleenex as well. This itself is very annoying, my life of allergies, but it's something that I've learned to deal with and live with; and a lot of being able to live with it includes taking allergy medication. If you wanna talk medication allergy style, come talk with me, if it's out there I've probably tried it. This isn't something I enjoy, I don't like having to take medication, but i've come to accept the fact that I need it to get on with my life. No, I don't think taking medicine is healthy all the time, but the alternative is to live in my house, in a giant bubble pretty much for the rest of my life. Hmmm, looking at those options, I wonder which one most people would choose if they were faced with the same option. Now I'm not trying to complain about my allergies, just giving a little background information to show that I know what I'm talking about. What reallly gets my goat is people (who either don't have any allergies, or have mild ones that aren't bad enough,often enough ,to have to take medication on a regular basis) get on their high horse and tell me that they don't belive in taking mediaction, if they have a problem, they just live with it. And the TONE they take is what kills me, acting like it's my choice to take medication. Oh yeah, I just love taking it, it's the highlight of my freakin day. They don't come right out and say it, but the way they say it says to me - hey, you just can't control yourself, I am So much better then you because I don't take medication, even though I really have no idea what you're going through. Thats one of biggest peeves. People, before you decide you're stronger in character than someone else, take a second and try to look at things from their perspective, you might discover a whole new world, and you might get a whole lot more respect from people if you do. Well, thats my little piece; and I'm not talking to everyone, there are a whole lot of wonderful, understanding people out there, there just also happen to be some people who need to slow down before they open their mouthes and hurt someones feelings or offend them. Whew, I know I got a little excited there but that's something that really gets my back up, maybe I've been able to educate a few people or maybe this hasincredibly offended you. Either way, you're thinking and thats always a good thing. Happy Thinking!

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