Sunday, March 28, 2004

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I think that losing your child is probly the worst thing that could happen to a person. I can only begin to imagine the pain and anguish that Cecilia's parents and family must be going through. And it's not even something, a loss, that can be rationalized in any way, she didn't have any disease, she wasn't sick, she didn't in any way bring it upon herself. She was 9 years old for gods sake, no child deserves that. I was watching the news, and you know, just thinking how terrible and horrible it was, and then I listened to the lawyer read the statement from the parents of Cecilia...and I started to cry. Watching the rest of the coverage on the tragic murder of this little girl, I just cried so hard. Just the loss, the insensibility. the pure....mindlessness of it just really got to me. That letter was so emotional, so touching, it really made me think and squeezed my heart. Especially the part about how parents should cherish every moment they have with their children. It's so scary that something like this could happen, it sends an absolute chill down my spine. It makes me want to do something, but I don't know what. I really hope they catch whatever twisted, terrible person did this. I mean, I'm not normally a violent or vicious person, but I hope that they catch whoever did this, and that they suffer for it, suffer horribly. Because murdering an innocent little girl is just unforgivable, she was 9! She had her whole life ahead of her, and I just don't understand anyone who could do something like this. I'm sad, depressed, bitter,scared, and angry, and all I can hope is that poor little girl didn't suffer. I'm not a really religious person so I won't say that my prayers are with her parents and family, but my thoughts and wishes are with them, and I hope that they catch whoever did this. It just boggles my mind that murders like this occur. I know...I'm rambling, but it's just so tragic, and absolutely sensless. I just feel so emotional and upset and kind of helpless you know? and I just don't understand. Rest In Peace Cecilia.

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