Monday, July 12, 2004

Girly night was good times. It's always fun when the girls get together. Looking forward to doing it again soon. Also amusing was the counting game...counting how many guys yelled at us as we weere out walking...last count was 16 I think...and that's not including the stares we got in the actual bar. Man I have hot friends :P Can't really blame the guys for looking though eh. AND we got free ice cream at the golden sweet is that? Sometimes it rocks being a girl! Bar hopping is fun...and if you go to more than one bar than yes, it counts as bar hopping! On a more irritated note, my allergies are having a lovely flare up, which I blame on work. I spend most of my time outside, or in a dusty old portable which includes a guniea pig, so yeah, can't say as I'm terribly surprised but I didn't think they'd be this bad. Honestly, this whole year has just been terrible allergy wise, they haven't been this bad for YEARS! It's really a terrible irritation and inconvienience. and I'm very itchy right now, booo to that! I'm back on the benedryl train most of the time too, which totally sucks ass. I'm desperately looking for a new job, this one is entirely too stressful, too irritating, and too hard on me physically. *tries not to rip out hair* I've already bitten my nails back down to nothing, just when I was doing so well trying to break myself of that nasty habit too. Oh well, life goes on right. Oh...yes, and I'm turning 21 in 15 days...ahh! Now that's kind of scary. Turning of those things that always seemed so far in the future and is kind of hard to believe that it's actually almost here. *makes face* but I'm having a party so that should be good times, get to see people I haven't seen enough this summer! YaaY!

1 comment:

JeN said...

21? Believe me, no big deal. I don't even remember it half the time. I want more free ice cream now.
-- JeN