Sunday, December 28, 2003

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So I'm sick again. That's always a fun way to spend Christmas...not. I hate germs soooo much. It's just not fair, I just finally got over a evil cold thing I had for like 3 weeks, and then like a week later I get the freakin flu. I still feel like garbage now, but I can't sleep cuz I slept so late today cuz of my poor sick body. So christmas eve I started to feel not so well, and woke up christmas morning feeling pretty crummy, but I thought it might just be my cold come back to torture me. Anyways as the day wore on I felt worse and worse. Had a bit of a temperature, but not too high. However, it got higher that night. Then came boxing day, which I spent in my bed. I was pretty peeved, not only was I sick but I missed going out to all the sales! So yes I spent my boxing day in bed with a very high temperature and just in general feeling like crap. Not fun times. I was Very Very Sick. I still am quite sick, but at least now I'm feeling enough better that I can get up, and don't have to spend all my time in bed. My offical statement towards germs: for the record, Germs Suck. I hope everyone had a good Christmas tho, mine was interesting as you've just heard. I spent it with my family though and that's what really counts right, spending Christmas with your loved ones. Also I got some neat stuff,although I haven't really been able to enjoy any of my Christmas presents, what with being sick and all, and...and I haven't been able to eat any candy! Bah1 It's taunting me! I got like mints and stuff that I can't even touch while I'm trying to fight off germs. So it was an interesting Christmas, that's what I will say. LOL Well that's all I can really think of right now, hopefully I will be much better soon, cuz I'm tired of being stuck in my house being sick, I wanna get out and see people! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and if you're reading this and I don't talk to you before, have a Happy, Rockin New Years!

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