Monday, April 19, 2004

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And on top of all that my allergies have been the worst I've experienced in years.

Okay so I'm more than a little stressed. I'm a lot stressed. And yes now I'm kicking myself for booking an audition during exam time...but it's too late to change it now. I should have started studying way sooner...I kept planning on it, saying tomorrow tomorrow...and what did I do? I started with the exam I'm going to write last. Smart eh. So monday and tuesday are going to be hardcore studyage, cuz my first exam is wednesday, then study more thursday, audition thursday night, and write the next exam on friday. And somewhere in the studyage I will have to take work on my monologue...fortunately it's one I've done before so I just have to work on it a little, not actually memorize a whole new piece. Next friday I also have an exam, poetry, fun oh fun, but I have a week after my second exam to prepare for that. I'm just stressed and worried overall, but I can't help that, that's how I'm built. I'm a worrier. I would also like to call to order a meeting of BASTSAT. Although a certain issue about a certain person has been occupying more than it's fair share of my thoughts lately and distracting me more than it has any right to, I've finally come to a decision about it. And once I realized, and made a decision about what I'm going to do, I felt better. Yes I'm still worrying about it but now that I know what I'm going to do, it's in a ceratin sense given me...I guess...a feeling of control somewhat? If you know what I mean...I dunno...I don't know exactly how to explain but now that I've decided I'm going to say something, I feel better. Nervous, worried, excited, yes, but better. And now that I've made a decision, I just have your normal, mundane stuff like exams and auditions to get through...before I put that decision in motion.

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